World-Wide Missions
Hope Outreach International, Inc.
Clint And Janeth Taylor 
Hope Outreach International, Inc was founded to train national pastors and plant churches in the Philippines. There are currently two training facilities and numerous churches throughout the islands. Pastors attend annual conferences at the training facilities to be renewed and refreshed spiritually.
Elijah’s Cave

Pastor Peter Guadalupe and his wife, Isabel, minister to
pastors around the globe. Their goal is to provide a respite for pastors and their wives for physical, mental, and spiritual restoration. Read More >
Kelly & Cindi Robinette
Missionaries to Cambodia

Missionaries since 1987, the Robinettes were appointed first to Thailand, then to Cambodia. They have been involved in ministry to Children-At-Risk through directing an orphanage. The Salaa Hope Battambang Christian School celebrated their very first graduating class of seniors in August 2015. Through the help of One Child Matters they provide sponsorship to the 400+ children and teachers at the Prey Dach government school.
Pastor Fidel Lorenzo
Missionaries to Dominican Republic
Fidel Lorenzo and his wife, Altagracia, are the directors of Minsterio de Salud Integral Comunitario (MISAICO) in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. In addition to church planting, this ministry provides social programs from schools to medical clinics. New Life partners with Pastor Fidel through short-term mission trips and monthly support.
Davy and Jewel Reyes
New Birth Christian School
Pastor Davy and his wife Jewel run New Birth Christian School in Los Toros in the Central part of the Dominican Republic
*New Birth Christian School is an outreach of Mercersburg Mennonite Church. Donations can be sent payable to:
Mercersburg Mennonite Church
10060 Buchanan Trail W.
Mercersburg, PA 17236
Please write NBCS on the memo line.
Mercy Ships 

The doctors and medical staff on board the Mercy Ships provide life-saving medical care where medical facilities are non-existent.
Samaritan’s Purse 

Each year, New Life participates in the annual Operation Christmas Child shoebox campaign, which provides shoebox gifts and the Gospel message for under-privileged children around the world.
MAE El Salvador
El Salvador has the highest murder rate per capita of any country in the world and the majority of these murders are committed by youth targeting youth. These high levels of violence along with extreme poverty, a lack of opportunities, and the breakdown of the family have left the youth of El Salvador without hope. MAE El Salvador’s desire is to restore hope back the Youth through Jesus Christ.